Monday, 19 December 2016

Important Chapters to Study for IPPB PO Prelims 2016-17

Hello and welcome to exampundit . Here are the Important Chapters to Study for IPPB PO Prelims 2016-17 which will be held on 7 and 8 January, 2017.

These are important does not mean that you should not study anything else.


  1. Comprehension
  2. Error
  3. Double Fillers
  4. Cloze test
  5. Jumble


  1. Floor based puzzles
  2. Calendar Based puzzles
  3. Square/Circular Seating arrangement with other data
  4. Linear arrangement with both direction 
  5. Inequalities
  6. Blood relation tests
  7. Ranking
  8. Syllogism
  9. Direction

Quantitative Aptitude:

  1. Data Interpretation
  2. Profit & Loss
  3. Average
  4. Time & Distance
  5. Time & Work
  6. Age based
  7. Compound Interest
  8. Number series
  9. Quadratic Equation
  10. Approximation

A detailed strategy will be given tomorrow!



Team ExamPundit

from Exam Pundit - Achieve. Inspire. Repeat


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