Hello and welcome to exampundit. Here is the ninth Set of IBPS/SBI Specialist IT Officer Professional Knowledge Quiz.
1. Which of the following is a functionally complete gate?
1) AND
2) OR
4) NOT
5) None of these
2. The XYZ bank Gujarat branch has all Cisco routers connected in the network. The network administrator Robert had replaced one of the routers with a nonCisco router. He then configured PPP encapsulation on a Cisco router to enable communication between them. Now, he wants to set HDLC back as the default protocol on the Cisco router. Which of the following combinations will he use?
I. Interface serial [module_0/1] port_l and encapsulation hdlc.
II. Interface type [slot_2] port_l and encapsulation PPP.
III. Interface type [slot_2] port_l and encapsulation ppp and ppp pap sent-username jack
password system
1) III
2) II
3) I
4) I and II
5) None of these
3. FDDI is
1) Ring Network
2) Star Network
3) Mesh Network
4) Bus based Network
5) None of these
4. Time sharing
1) Round Robin scheduling
2) Priority scheduling
3) First come First served
4) Non preemptive scheduling
5) None of these
5. Banker’s Algorithm is used as
1) Deadlock occurrence method
2) Deadlock avoidence method
3) Deadlock detection method
4) Deadlock recovery method
5) None of these
6. Which of the following communications lines is best suited to interactive processing applications?
1) narrow band channel
2) simplex lines
3) full duplex lines
4) mixed band channels
5) None of these
7. Which of the logic family has the lowest power delay product
1) ECL
2) TTL
3) IIL
4) MOS
5) None of these
8. What is the output of the following C program main
int i = 32, j = 0 × 20, k, l, m;
K = i / j;
l = i & j;
m = k ^ l;
print f(“%d%d%d%d”, i, j, k, l, m);
1) 32 32 32 32 0
2) 0 0 0 0 0
3) 32 32 32 32 32
4) 32 0 32 0 32
5) None of these
9. A design description of an object can take
1) A protocol description
2) An implementation description
3) Both 1) and 2)
4) Either 1) or 2)
5) None of these
10. Applet
1) It is an application that run inside a rectangular region on the web page
2) It can display animation, sound, games and general utilities
3) Its application is calculator and search engine
4) all of the above
5) None of these
11. When you drop a ............. corresponding indexes are also dropped.
1) Column
2) Sequence
3) View
4) Table
5) None of these
12. What error are you likely to get when you run the following program?
main ( )
struct emp;
char name [20];
float sal;
struct emp e[10];
int i;
for(i = 0; i < =9; i++)
scanf(“%s%f”,e[i].name & e[i].sal));
1) Suspicious pointer conversion
2) floating Point formats not linked
3) Cannot use scanf () structures
4) Strings cannot be nested inside structures
5) None of these
13. The Bankers algorithm is used
1) To prevent deadlock in operating systems
2) To detect deadlock in operating systems
3) To rectify a deadlock state
4) All of the above
5) None of these
14. The following sequence of operations is performed one a stack
PUSH (10), PUSH (20).POP, PUSH (10), PUSH (20), POP, POP, POP PUSH (20), POP
The sequence of values popped out is
1) 20, 10, 20, 10, 20
2) 20, 20, 10, 10, 20
3) 10, 20, 20, 10, 20
4) 20, 20, 10, 20, 20
5) None of these
15. For a 25 MHz processor, what is the time taken by the instruction which needs 3 clock cycles.
1) 120 nano secs
2) 120 micro secs
3) 75 nano secs
4) 75 micro secs
5) None of these
16. Which of the following is not an operating system call for process management?
4) PCB
5) None of these
17. ER diagram is example of which data Model ?
1) Generic Data Model
2) Semantic Data Model
3) Relational Data Model
4) Special Data Model
5) None of these
18. An array can be passed in a function in C language through-
1) ‘Call by value’ only
2) ‘Call by reference’ only
3) Both ‘call by value’ and ‘call by reference’
4) Tuple
5) None of these
19. What is the output of the following ‘C’ program?
main ()
extern, int a;
int a = 20
1) 0
2) 20
3) Error
4) Garbage value
5) None of these
20. Fragment Free Switches check ............bytes of data.
1) 4
3) 24
4) 64
5) None of these
Answers will be updated at 7pm.
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