Sunday, 25 November 2018

Imagine what we could cure

A WSJ oped with J J Plecs, formerly of Roam Analytics, which does a lot of health related data work.

The discovery that cigarettes cause cancer greatly improved human health. But that discovery didn’t happen in a lab or spring from clinical trials. It came from careful analysis of mounds of data.
Imagine what we could learn today from big-data analysis of everyone’s health records: our conditions, treatments and outcomes. Then throw in genetic data, information on local environmental conditions, exercise and lifestyle habits and even the treasure troves accumulated by Google and Facebook...
So why isn’t it already happening?..., the full potential of health-care data analysis is blocked by regulation... medical-data regulations go far beyond what’s needed to prevent concrete harm to consumers, and underestimate the data’s enormous value.... 
I'll post whole thing in 30 days.

from The Grumpy Economist


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