Monday, 31 August 2020

What if the private sector were responsible for California wildfires?

So we enter another week enveloped in smoke, here in California. My thought for the day: Can you imagine the public and political reacti...

Goodfellows RNC commentary

The latest Goodfellows podcast, with guest Lanhee Chen. We discuss the Republican convention, the implosion of cities,  and related matter...

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

A New and Improved Health History

 Prior to Dentrix G7, Medical Alerts were used to enter a patient’s drug allergies and medical conditions. The Health History module , intro...

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

More on tests

 Robert Zubrin puts the point well in a National Review essay (thanks to a commenter on my last post).  There are now a variety of fast c...

Efficiently Posting Insurance Payments in Dentrix

 Last week I wrote a blog about efficiently posting patient payments . This week, I wanted to give some tips on the best ways to post dental...

Friday, 14 August 2020

Test = vaccine

" Cheap, frequent COVID tests could be ‘akin to vaccine,’ professor says " from the Harvard Gazette HT Miles Kimbal l  Yes, I...

Thursday, 13 August 2020

TikTok dust up

This week's Goodfellows conversation was a bit more contentious than usual. The most interesting part, I think, is our little dust-up...

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Efficiently Posting Patient Payments for Cleaner Accounting and Accurate Reporting

 All dental offices know how to post a patient payment in the Dentrix Ledger, but is your office posting payments in the most efficient way?...

Monday, 10 August 2020


America has essentially given up on containing the corona virus, and will just let it spread while we await a vaccine. Oh sure, our governor...

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Sowell review

Coleman Hughes writes a wonderful review of Thomas Sowell 's life and work in City Journal. Savor it. My first Sowell book was Knowledg...

Verifying Patient Insurance Information

How often do you verify patients’ insurance benefits in your practice? If you want to provide patients with the most accurate estimates, i...