Wednesday, 26 August 2020

A New and Improved Health History

 Prior to Dentrix G7, Medical Alerts were used to enter a patient’s drug allergies and medical conditions. The Health History module, introduced in in Dentrix G7, uses a more comprehensive approach and allows you to separate medical conditions and allergies, as well as document any patient-reported medications

Once you have documented a patient’s medical conditions, allergies, and medications, you have the option to mark these health history items as critical, which is indicated by a red cross Health History icon, which displays in various location throughout Dentrix, such as on the patient’s appointment. This is very helpful to let all team members know that the patient has a medical condition that they should be aware of.

I was excited to see all the improvements implemented in the Health History module; and in Dentrix G7.3, the Health History module got even better!

What’s considered a critical medical condition, allergy, or medication may vary from office to office. For example, most offices consider a pre-medication requirement to be critical. Some offices consider drug allergies, such as a latex allergy, to be critical. The health history items your office decides should be labeled as critical and which items should have a pop-up warning, will depend on your doctor’s preferences.

 Customizing the critical and pop-up settings for health history items is now much easier. Once you have had a conversation with your doctor and decided which health history items should be designated as critical and should display a pop-up warning, you can now change the settings for multiple items all at once. Select the medical conditions you want to change the settings for, and then right-click to set the desired options. 

Once you have set the desired options, you also have the option to apply those settings to all patients with the applicable medical condition or just the patients to which the medical condition will be added in the future.

The improvements that Dentrix has made to the Health History in recent versions can help your office to keep more current and accurate records regarding your patient’s health. This is vital as most offices no longer have a paper chart to refer to for patient health histories. By designating a medical condition to pop up or be considered critical, you can easily communicate important health information to your team. 

For more information about the Health History module and its features, read the following:

If you have questions on this topic, email me at

Charlotte Skaggs, Certified Dentrix Trainer

Charlotte Skaggs is the founder of Vector Dental Consulting LLC, a practice management firm focused on taking offices to the next level. Charlotte co-owned and managed a successful dental practice with her husband for 17 years. She has a unique approach to consulting based on the perspective of a practice owner. Charlotte has been using Dentrix for almost 20 years and is a certified Dentrix trainer. Contact Charlotte at

from  The Dentrix Office Manager Blog


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